News & Events
The Art of Aging: Barbara McHugh
For our last installment of the Art of Aging series we’re sharing the words of Barbara McHugh, who spoke about curiosity, gratitude, and flexibility. Our deepest thanks to all our neighbors who shared their stories through this project, and to the Art of Aging team for bringing their voices to life.
The Art of Aging: Jim Lortz
Today we’re sharing the Art of Aging team’s interview with Bellingham resident Jim Lortz. An actor and director, Jim spoke about how his perspective has changed with age, navigating life with Parkinson’s, and using theater to stir imagination and access emotion.
The Art of Aging: Teresa Garcia
In today’s Art of Aging interview, Teresa Garcia speaks about caregiving, moving to a skilled nursing facility, and the relationships that have gotten her through challenging times.
The Art of Aging: Beth and Spencer Ahrens
Sharing their story with the Art of Aging team, Beth and Spencer Ahrens spoke about growing up in rural Whatcom County, dealing with multiple sclerosis, and supporting each other throughout 56 years of marriage.
The Art of Aging: LeAna Osterman
Today we’re sharing the Art of Aging team’s interview with Lynden resident LeAna Osterman. Follow the link to hear LeAna talk about finding her calling, advocating for women and families, and how her faith guides her.
The Art of Aging: Sharon Wagner
Today’s Art of Aging interview comes from Sharon Wagner, who shares her adventurous spirit as she speaks about the journey of her life and the value of accepting uncertainty, loss, and change.
The Art of Aging: Robin Dexter
Continuing the Art of Aging interview series, long-time Whatcom resident Robin Dexter spoke with the team about starting his commercial fishing career in the 1970s, how the industry has changed, and the impacts it’s had on his body, livelihood, and the environment.
The Art of Aging: Liz Baxter
Today we’re sharing the voice of community leader Liz Baxter, who spoke to the Art of Aging team about what happiness and meaning look like for her at 65.
The Art of Aging: Maggie Weisberg
After moving to Bellingham in her seventies, Maggie Weisberg’s relationships with her friends, children, and community took on new dimensions.
The Art of Aging: Tommy Gibson
We’re continuing our Art of Aging series today with the words of Tommy Gibson. He spoke with the team about how his art informs the way he sees aging, making unexpected connections when he returned to Whatcom County, and the importance of lifelong learning.
The Art of Aging: Daljit Dhillon
Today we’re sharing the words of Ferndale resident Daljit Dhillon, who spoke with the Art of Aging team about how his multigenerational family keeps him feeling young.
The Art of Aging: Sandy Stork
Today’s Art of Aging interview comes from Sandy Stork, who shares her thoughts about her life-long interest in aging, the lessons she has learned from other elders, and navigating independence as an older adult.
The Art of Aging: Jack Lee
In his interview with the Art of Aging team, Jack Lee shared his perspective on the freedom that comes with age, finding joy and meaning through art, and approaching death with candor and compassion.
The Art of Aging: Danita Washington (Cē lēēa’)
We’re grateful today to be sharing the words of Lummi elder Danita Washington (Cē lēēa’), who spoke to the Art of Aging team about her roots, what it really means to be an elder, and the lessons she learns from her granddaughter.
The Art of Aging: Josselyn Winslow
In today’s post from the Art of Aging project, Josselyn Winslow shares her perspective on a life well-lived, how she views death as a transition, and the unusual role she plays in her apartment building.
The Art of Aging: Dan Raas
Today we’re sharing the voice of Dan Raas, who spoke to the Art of Aging team about adjusting to all the changes that life brings.
The Art of Aging: Kay Sutcliffe
Easter might be over but in today’s post from the Art of Aging project, Kay Sutcliffe shares stories about her childhood as a “free-range chicken” on her parents’ egg farm!
The Art of Aging: Margaret Dickson
In this week’s post from the Art of Aging project, Margaret Dickson speaks about how movement has been a part of her life, coming to Bellingham to be close to family, and the importance of staying enthusiastic at 99.
The Art of Aging: Dan First Scout Rowe (Duwa Togahe)
We’re thrilled to share the first post from the Art of Aging project! Today, we hear from Dan First Scout Rowe (Duwa Togahe), who shares his story, reflects on the relationships that shaped his life, and reminds us of the power of connection to our loved ones and community.